Detailed Weather Conditions

Location: Sammamish, WA
Longitude: 122º  2' 42''  Latitude: 47º 36' 48"
Elevation: 355 feet

Current Conditions


Last Updated: 3:00am on 3/26/10
Outside Temperature: 41.2°F
Today's High: 43.5°F at 12:07am
Low: 41.0°F at 3:00am
Barometric Pressure: 29.85in.

Barometric Trend: Rising

Moonrise:   3:38pm   Moonset:  5:04am
Sunrise : 6:57am  Sunset: 7:27pm
Outdoor Temperature Barometer

Current: 41.2°F
High: 43.5°F at 12:07am Low: 41.0°F at 3:00am
Average (1-hr): 42.4°F

High: 0.1°F/hr at 1:41am
Low: -1.5°F/hr at 2:46am

Current: 29.85in

Barometric Trend: Rising
High: 29.85in at 2:17am Low: 29.79 at 12:00am
Average (1-hr): 29.83in

Current: 0.02in/hr
High: 0.04in/hr at 2:17am
Low: 0.01in/hr at 12:47am

Outdoor Humidity Wind Speed (1 Minute Avg.)

Current: 39%
High: 42% at 12:16am Low: 38% at 2:22am
Average (1-hr): 39%

Current: -0%/hr
High: 1 %/hr at 12:16am
Low: -2%/hr at 2:22am

Current: 3.4 mph
High: 12.6 mph at 2:34am Low: 0.0 mph at 12:00am
Average (1-hr): 4.3 mph

Current: -1.0 mph/hr
High: 8.7 mph/hr at 1:59am
Low: -4.3 mph/hr at 2:47am

Dew Point Wind Direction

Current: 18.1°F
High: 22.0°F at 12:48am Low: 17.5°F at 2:46am
Average (1-hr): 19.4°F

Current: -1.3°F/hr
High: 0.6°F/hr at 12:16am
Low: -2.4°F/hr at 2:36am

Current: SE°
High: 288° at 2:37am Low: 83° at 12:50am
Average (1-hr): 123°

Current: 3°/hr
High: 161°/hr at 2:37am
Low: -40°/hr at 12:23am

Heat Index Wind Gust

Current: 41.0°F
High: 43.6°F at 12:48am Low: 40.8°F at 3:00am
Average (1-hr): 42.2°F

Current: -1.2°F/hr
High:0.2°F/hr at 12:59am
Low: -1.6°F/hr at 2:46am

Current: 3.4 mph
High: 12.6 mph at 2:34am Low: 0.0 mph at 12:00am
Average (1-hr): 4.3 mph

Current: -1.0 mph/hr
High: 8.7 mph/hr at
Low: -4.3 mph/hr at 2:47am

Wind Chill Rainfall

Current: 39.3°F
High: 43.5°F at 12:07am Low: 34.5°F at 2:43am
Average (1-hr): 39.7°F

Current: -0.4°F/hr
High: 1.7°F/hr at 1:44am
Low: -5.9°F/hr at 2:34am

Rainfall Today: 0.00in.

Rain Last 24 Hrs: 0.00 in.

Monthly Rainfall: 0.00 in.

Total Rainfall: 59.81 in.


Current:  0.00in/hr

High: 0.00 in/hr at 12:00am

Low: 0.00 at 12:00am

Other Measurements & Data

Weather Station Forecast: Clear

Heat Stress: ---

Comfort Level: Cool

Beaufort Scale: Light Breeze

Cloud Base: 5765 ft

Pressure Altitude: 662

Air Density: -356

Virtual Temp: 41.8°F

Vapor Pressure: 0.10

Wind Run: 9

Wind Run Month: 628

Wind Run Year: 2582

Degrees Heating: 2.8°F

Degrees Cooling: 0.0°F

Degree Heating Month: 328.6°F

Degree Cooling Month: 0.1°F

Degree Heating Year: 1489.0°F

Degree Cooling Year: 0.1°F

Official Observations

Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (KSEA) Boeing Field (KBFI)

Last Updated: 03/26/2010 01:53am
Temperature: 44.6°F
Dew Point: 39.2°F
Wind Chill: 25.3°F
Heat Index: 49.0°F
Relative Humidity: %
Pressure: 29.86in
Wind Direction: SW
Wind Speed: 19.0 mph
Wind Gust: 33.0 mph

Rain/hr: ---
Visibility: 10 miles
Cloud Height: --- x 1000 ft
Sky Conditions: Overcast
Weather: Light Rain

Last Updated: 03/26/2010 02:12am
Temperature: 46.4°F
Dew Point: 39.2°F
Wind Chill: 32.1°F
Heat Index: 50.1°F
Relative Humidity: %
Pressure: 29.86in
Wind Direction: SSW
Wind Speed: 14.0 mph
Wind Gust: 27.0 mph

Rain/hr: ---
Visibility: 10 miles
Cloud Height: 2.0 x 1000 ft
Sky Conditions: Overcast

Everett  Airport (KPAE) Quillayute State Airport (KUIL)

Last Updated: 03/26/2010 01:53am
Temperature: 46.4°F
Dew Point: 41.0°F
Wind Chill: 33.0°F
Heat Index: 50.8°F
Relative Humidity: %
Pressure: 29.82in
Wind Direction: SSW
Wind Speed: 13.0 mph
Wind Gust: 13.0 mph

Rain/hr: ---
Visibility: 10 miles
Cloud Height: 1.2 x 1000 ft
Sky Conditions: Overcast

Last Updated: 03/26/2010 02:36am
Temperature: 42.8°F
Dew Point: 42.8°F
Wind Chill: 31.2°F
Heat Index: 50.0°F
Relative Humidity: %
Pressure: 29.89in
Wind Direction: W
Wind Speed: 10.0 mph
Wind Gust: 10.0 mph

Rain/hr: ---
Visibility: 10 miles
Cloud Height: --- x 1000 ft
Sky Conditions: Overcast
Weather: Light Rain


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